Hemorrhagic Cyst

What is Hemorrhagic Cyst? Hemorrhagic Cyst is a lump of tissue-like structures formed in the ovaries of a female human body

Vestibular Papillomatosis

What Is Vestibular Papillomatosis? Vestibular Papillomatosis is a benign tumor occurring within the vestibule parts of the vulva. It is


What is Spermatocele? Spermatocele is a condition where cyst builds up in your epididymis is known as spermatocele. Cyst is

Caput Succedaneum

What is Caput Succedaneum? Caput succedaneum is a condition where the infant’s scalp is swollen and appears like a bump

Macrocytic Anemia

What is Macrocytic Anemia? Macrocytic Anemia is a type of anemia whereby the red blood cells produced by the body

Cloudy Urine

What is Cloudy Urine? Cloudy urine refers to milky-looking or foam-like foggy urine. Turbid or nebulous urine are the medical

Hyperactive Bowel Sounds

Hyperactive Bowel Sounds Definition The motor functions of the stomach and small intestine are characterized by distinct manometric patterns of

Horse Fly Bite

What are horse flies? Horse fly is an insect, with a varying length from ½ to ¼ inches long. They

Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO)

Definition Patent foramen ovale (Foramen ovale apertum, lat) is a malformation of the heart and a presence of an opening

Foramen Spinosum

What is foramen spinosum? The foramen spinosum is an anatomical structure – foramen in the sphenoid bone, which is situated