Medial Meniscus Tears

What are Medial Meniscus Tears? Medial Meniscus Tears are common knee injuries. These commonly result when the knee is injured


What is Cretinism? Cretinism is a congenital disorder meaning it is present at birth. In this disorder, there is reduced

Wry Neck

What Is Wry Neck? Wry neck is also referred to as torticollis. It is a severe condition that causes your neck

Pilonidal Cyst

What Is Pilonidal Cyst? Pilonidal cyst or cyst of the tailbone is like a large pimple that occurs at the

Hemorrhagic Cyst

What is Hemorrhagic Cyst? Hemorrhagic Cyst is a lump of tissue-like structures formed in the ovaries of a female human body

Vestibular Papillomatosis

What Is Vestibular Papillomatosis? Vestibular Papillomatosis is a benign tumor occurring within the vestibule parts of the vulva. It is


What is Spermatocele? Spermatocele is a condition where cyst builds up in your epididymis is known as spermatocele. Cyst is

Caput Succedaneum

What is Caput Succedaneum? Caput succedaneum is a condition where the infant’s scalp is swollen and appears like a bump

Cymbalta Withdrawal

What is Cymbalta Withdrawal? Cymbalta Withdrawal is a product name for duloxetine, a type of antidepressant used to treat depressive

Macrocytic Anemia

What is Macrocytic Anemia? Macrocytic Anemia is a type of anemia whereby the red blood cells produced by the body